July 16, 2007


mythologyDid you get a myth quest? You are not limited to the Greek/Roman myths you learn in school (though we have many wonderful books on those) but consider Norse myths (Wóden's Day, Şunor's Day, Fríge's Day), African myths, Native American Myths and so on. Everyone has myths.
Many books of mythology sit scattered about in 290s, but myth is a rather vague category and can overlap into legends and magic (398.4) and many other unexpected locations. Example: Star Tales by Ian Ridpath which is in 523.8.

And you must read (staff picks, multi-stars) :

For adults. Neil Gaiman's American Gods, which won both Hugo and Nebula awards

For children: The three (so far) books in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series by Rick Riordan:

  1. The Lightning Thief
  2. The Sea of Monsters
  3. The Titan's Curse

And in the reference room: Man, Myth & Magic : the illustrated encyclopedia of mythology, religion, and the unknown (21 volumes but they're skinny). Want to find the Tupi myth about the fight between the anteater and the jaguar? It's in here. (This set was a gift from the friends of the library. Please join.)

And for kids (and adults) who enjoyed the Riodan books: try other fiction based on Greek mythology.

  • Kate McMullan's books:
    Get to Work, Hercules!
    Keep a Lid on it, Pandora!
    Nice Shot, Cupid!
    Stop that Bull, Theseus!
    Go for the Gold, Atalanta!
    Phone Home, Persephone!
    Say Cheese, Medusa!
  • Jane Yolan's:
    Atalanta and the Arcadian Beast
    Jason and the Gorgon's Blood
    Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons
    Odysseus in the Serpent Maze
  • Atalanta again: Quiver by Stephanie Spinner
  • Theseus and his Friends: Lost in the Labyrinth : a novel by Patrice Kindl
  • Reed flute frolicking: The Great God Pan Donna Jo Napoli
  • Short and funny: It's All Greek to Me by Jon Scieszka

Music? We do have some parts of the Ring Cycle as sound recordings, the printed librettos and graphic novel versions as well. Our CD collection includes Handel's Semele. Many other operas based on Greek myth, including Elektra, Orfeo ed Euridice, La Belle Helene and Ariadne auf Naxos are now widely available on DVD.

Art? Everywhere. Myth has always been a major subject (the major subject?) for art in most cultures. Look through our 34 volume (and they're not skinny) Dictionary of Art, or browse through our oversized circulating book section. Need help finding them? Please ask at the desk.


Featured today:

Ta'aroa, the PolynesianCreator God

See previous featured Gods from Godchecker's Encyclopedia of World Mythology - over 20 pantheons including gods from Greek mythology.

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Posted by library at July 16, 2007 05:17 PM
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