February 24, 2015

Jeeves and Bertie

The Code of the Woosters by P.G. Wodehouse 
reviewed by Lara 

The Code of the Woosters is an exhilarating and comical book that everyone could enjoy. P.G. Wodehouse transports readers to early 20th Century England where the well-meaning Bertie is stuck in the middle of a web of serious rifts between stubborn aunts, dull friends, and an evil butler. While Bertie is hopelessly lost in a labyrinth of dilemmas, Jeeves, Bertie's butler and true companion, assists him by playing psychological mind tricks on different people.

Jeeves navigates waves of complex situations. Even when things seem they cannot be more daunting, Jeeves alarms you with his creative solutions.

Wodehouse does all this while making you giggle for hours on end, no matter what frame of mind you were in previously.

Librarian's Notes:

Review in The Guardian

A couple of quotes from The Code of the Woosters:

"I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled."

" 'Don’t you ever read the papers? Roderick Spode is the founder and head of the Saviours of Britain, a Fascist organization better known as the Black Shorts. His general idea, if he doesn’t get knocked on the head with a bottle in one of the frequent brawls in which he and his followers indulge, is to make himself a Dictator.’ ‘Well, I’m blowed!’ I was astounded at my keenness of perception. The moment I had set eyes on Spode, if you remember, I had said to myself ‘What ho! A Dictator!’ and a Dictator he had proved to be. I couldn’t have made a better shot, if I had been one of those detectives who see a chap walking along the street and deduce that he is a retired manufacturer of poppet valves named Robinson with rheumatism in one arm, living at Clapham. ‘Well, I’m dashed! I thought he was something of that sort. That chin…Those eyes…And, for the matter of that, that moustache. By the way, when you say “shorts”, you mean “shirts”, of course.’ ‘No. By the time Spode formed his association, there were no shirts left. He and his adherents wear black shorts.’ ‘Footer bags, you mean?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘How perfectly foul.' "

Posted by library at February 24, 2015 04:32 PM
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