Put on your p.j.s, bring your teddy bear or other stuffed favorites and join us at our next Bedtime Stories on Monday, Sept. 22, from 7-7:30 p.m. We'll sing songs, read stories and do some rhymes and fingerplays. No need to register -- just come!
Venga a nuestra Hora del Cuento en inglés y español.
FECHA: Sábado, el 6 de Septiembre a las 10:30 de la mañana.
PARA: los niños/as desde que son bebes hasta los cinco años acompañados de sus adultos.
PROGRAMA: se harán juegos con los dedos, canciones y cuentos en inglés y español.
No necesita registrarse. Por favor, VENGA!!!
Come and join us on Saturday, Sept. 6, from 10:30-11 a.m., as we offer our second Bilingual Circle Time! Children's librarian Karen MacPherson will team with library assistant Lucia Acin-Andion to lead everyone in songs, rhymes, stories and fingerplays in Spanish and English. This program is perfect for infants through kids 5. No need to register -- just come!
We've got two upcoming programs geared for middle-school students -- kids in grades 6, 7 and 8. Both events require registration, which you can do by going to www.takomapark.info/library/registration.html or by calling 301-891-7259. First, there's the new Tween Craft Club, which will meet Friday, Sept. 12, from 3:30-5 p.m. Then, on Monday, Sept. 15, the Banned Books Club will discuss Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Copies are available at the library desk. Hope to see you there!
SummerQuest participants -- come to our End of SummerQuest party on Monday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. We'll have treats and prizes, plus a discussion of what were our favorite and least favorite books to read this summer. We'll also talk about possible themes for next year's SummerQuest. Please register by going to takomapark.info/library/registration.html or by calling 301-891-7259.
Babies, toddlers and preschoolers -- bring your grown-ups to our Saturday Bilingual Circle Time on August 9 at 10:30 a.m. In this half-hour program, children's librarian Karen MacPherson and library assistant Lucia Acin Andion will present fingerplays, songs and stories in Spanish and English. You don't have to know any Spanish to have fun at our Bilingual Circle Time, the second in our new series of Saturday morning programs for families. No registration required -- just come!