We now offer free wi-fi access in the library. The signal is strongest in the reference room and on the adult reading tables, rather weak elsewhere. Wi-fi is also available in the community center - in the rotunda area near the computer rooms and in the main lobby.
We certainly don't intend to replace anyone's home Internet account. Please remember that our hours are limited and at the times you may most need access (a 3 AM urge to watch the panda cam?) we will be closed.
We hope it will be useful for connecting directly to URLs that are mentioned in books or magazines, taking notes and stuffing them into your online storage files or e-mailing them to yourself, and that sort of thing.
If you have an appropriate wireless connection card in your laptop, just turn your computer on and it should detect the network. As plugs are limited, be sure you bring a fully charged battery.
Some caveats:
But it does work - enjoy it!
Posted by library at December 17, 2005 05:47 PM