All Labor Day weekend the Takoma Metro station will be closed, as will all stations north of Takoma. If you want to go downtown via Metrorail, you will need to make your way to Fort Totten, not easy unless you live along New Hampshire Avenue which has the K6 bus (a pdf file).
Update: Metro clarified their post: the shuttle between Fort Totten and Glenmont is actually going to stop at each station in between, including Takoma.
Closed Period: Friday, September 3rd shortly before 10 PM to Tuesday morning September 7th at 5 AM
More information about the Labor Day closing .
Trip Planner.
Bus routes in Takoma Park (a pdf file).
That same weekend, Labor Day 2010, the library will be open Saturday, closed Monday. The computer center will be closed both Saturday and Monday. (Both are normally closed Sunday.)
Posted by library at August 20, 2010 01:16 PM