Little Pim is our language program for small children. Mango is our offering for adults and older children. Both are free for all our library cardholders.
When you enter Mango (the adult version) from our library site you will see a log in screen with three choices:
Start by learning a bit of Pirate. That will show you how Mango works and what to expect. Look for the extras such as grammar hints or cultural tips.
Remember that you need to enter from our website. Bookmark our language page, not Mango itself.
You can use Mango for English practice. In addition to the current 34 languages offered (we aren't counting Pirate), separate English lessons are available for speakers of 26 languages.
Plug in a microphone to test your pronunciation...
Using a microphone with Mango:
How to find out if your microphone is working: Windows: start > all programs > accessories > entertainment > sound recorder
Press record, say something to the mike, look at the green box. Anything happening? Mac: system preferences > sound > input tools
Select your microphone from the list. Say something and look for movement in the level indicator box. Linux (Ubuntu): applications > sound & video > sound recorder
Did you find the red dot? Try it.
If nothing is happening, look at the plug. You should be using the red/pink one for a microphone, not the green one which is for your speakers or headphones. Or, if it is a USB microphone, be sure it is plugged into a USB port.
BTW, to modify your mike setting in Ubuntu try
system > preferences > sound > input
You may need to do this if you are switching back and forth between regular and USB microphones (don't ask). Windows has something similar in the control panel.