12:30 HarvardX Ancient Greek Hero: we continue with hour 7, in which we learn to "close read" images as well additional bits of Homer, pseudo-Demosthenes and Pindar. It's not too late to join. Just plunge in.
3:00 Workshop: Introduction to Befuncky and Pixlr, free and impressive photoediting tools. Everyone is welcome.
Here are the images for today, assembled by Patti using one of the tools from last week's workshop. The key word for this week is sēma (plural sēmata) which means not only sign or symbol (think sematics and semiotics) but also "tomb of a hero." See the egg-shaped things? Those are the tombs. The little "fairies" flitting about? Psukhes of the heroes. Can you find Achilles? Hector? Andromache? Iris?