If you are interested in the Takoma Park Library, and would like to help in planning its future, you are invited to participate in one of a series of focused community conversations this coming Fall. The time commitment is minimal – but your participation is potentially of great value to the Library.
With the guidance of a trained facilitator, we will be seeking answers to these questions:
What role does the Takoma Park Library play in the lives of its residents?
What does the community see as the strengths of the Library today?
What is the Takoma Park community’s vision for library service, and what changes are needed to insure that the Library continues to support that vision in the future?
Public meetings will be held on these dates in the Takoma Park Community Center
Thursday November 14 at 7:00 p.m.—Lilac Room
Friday November 15 at 10:00 a.m.—Hydrangea Room
Friday November 15 at 7:00 p.m.—Hydrangea Room
Saturday November 16 at 1:00 p.m.—Hydrangea Room
No Registration is Necessary