March 7 Monday, Winifred Conkling will visit. Her new book is Radioactive! : How Irène Curie and Lise Meitner Revolutionized Science and Changed the World.
We have this book in our Freading collection of e-books that can be downloaded. If you have used Overdrive at other libraries you probably already have the apps and experience. If you haven't, read the directions. You only need to do the set-up once. Need help? One of our staff next door at the computer center can assist.
Politics and Prose will be be selling print copies of the book if you want one signed, but purchase is absolutely optional. Everyone is welcome to attend.
BTW: Lise Meitner was memorialized in element 109.
Number 96 commemorates the parents of Irène Joliot-Curie. Irène, following in their footsteps, won a 1935 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.