For those seeking up to date information, the library offers free access to Masterfile Premier, with full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals, and is updated daily. On any library page, look at the button on the top. Go to ONLINE, then go to MAGAZINE COLLECTION. At this point you will be asked for your Patron ID, which is the bar code on the back of your library card. You will then be offered several choices of databases. Pick MasterFILE Premier, and then scroll to the Continue button, and when you click on that you will be on the main page. There are many options for searching, and you can go back at any time to the page where you select MasterFILE Premier to get details about searching and fields. But you don't need most of that to just throw in a search. You can sort the results so that the most recent result shows first. You can search a specific publication by clicking on the Publications button at the top left corner of the main search page, and entering the title.
Here are some things to think about as you search: in the New York Times a search for covid-19 yielded 26 hits. But if you search coronavirus (one word) the search yields 638 hits. Why the difference? Because covid-19 has only been used by the Times for a short period of time! So think about your terms. And your publication. A search for coronavirus in Science News yielded 3218 hits; of course, many of those predate the current pandemic. Science News is current to the 3/28/20 issue. You also might want to just look in a particular publication to see what's new. The May Consumer Reports issue is already loaded. The first article that appears when that issue is opened is titled "Taking Care in a Time of Crisis." You can open html or pdf versions of full text articles, and print or download the file.
Information is power!
Posted by library at March 21, 2020 04:02 PM