We‘re delighted to start our curbside service, but please be patient with us as we settle into this new system. Also note: this system is a work-in-progress and if needed, we may make changes.
Here are the basics:
To check out books, all overdue books on your library card first must be returned! So, if possible, check the due dates in your account online before you request books.
Note: Once you return your books in the book-drop, they are quarantined for four days, so they will still appear on your account for a few days after you‘ve put them in the book drop..
We‘ll be taking book orders by email (strongly preferred) and phone.
Emails can be sent any time, of course. Phone requests can be made Mondays and Wednesdays 10-12 and 4-6, and Saturdays, 10-12. (See below for details on sending emails and making phone requests)
Before requesting books, please check our catalog, https://takoma.bywatersolutions.com/ to see if we have the book, and if it is available. If it is checked out, you will see -- in red letters -- CHECKED OUT.
Patrons are limited to 5 books per order. There are also limits on the total number of items you can have checked out at one time.
When you request books, by email or phone, we will need your name plus either your birthday or the last 4 digits of your library card number so we can call up your account, and also to ensure you get the books you order. If this is an email request, this information should go in the subject line, along with an indication as to whether you are asking for adult books or children‘s/teen books.
Once we have fetched your books, we‘ll give you a pick-up window. Regular pick-up times will be Mondays and Wednesdays, 12-2 and 6-8, and Saturdays, 12-3. Note we will fulfill the requests in the order received, and it may take a few days before we get to yours.
Call when you get to the Library. We‘ll bring out your books and leave them on a table for you to pick up. call: 301-580-0085
Here are more specifics:
The email for book requests is: librarytakomapark@gmail.com
The subject line should include your name (even if it is part of your email address), the type of books you want (A for adult books, J for children‘s/teen books), and either the last four digits of your Library card OR the month and day of your birthday.
In the body of the email, list the books you are requesting. It will help us to help you if you first search our online catalog, https://takoma.bywatersolutions.com/ and provide us with the title, and call number (NOT the barcode). Also, please make sure it is available. If it is a fiction work, please use what we have in the catalog: for instance, the call number for ‘Catcher in the Rye,‘ by J.D. Salinger is FIC SALINGER. For a non-fiction book, such as ‘Birds of Eastern North America,‘ by Paul Sterry, the call number is 598.097 STERRY.
We will reply when we have fulfilled your request, and let you know when you may to pick up your books. Incomplete information will delay the process.
To request children‘s or teen books, call: 301-580-0085
To request adult books, call: 240-507-0229
We will ask you for your name and the last four digits of your Library card number or the month and day of your birthday.
When you give us the titles of the books you want, please give us the author and call number as well (if you are using the catalog)