Educational discussion on raccoons and rabies. Monday, November 1. 7 p.m. Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, Tulip at Maple.
Sponsored by Community Policing Specialist, Officer Tina Smith of the Takoma Park Police Department. Special guest speakers include representatives from the Wild Neighbors Program of the Humane Society of the US, The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Disease Control Program and the Montgomery County Animal Services.
There is an article about raccoon rabies, and an account of a raccoon/dog encounter, in the current issue of Field and Stream. [When Raccoons Attack. By: Thornton, Jim. Field & Stream, Nov2004, Vol. 109 Issue 7, p38, 3p, 2c] You can come into the library to read it, or access the full text of the article online through EBSCOhost. Just search on "when raccoons attack" and then click on HTML Full Text.
Aztlan: Native American Storytelling, Song, and Dance
The Thanksgiving season is now traditionally celebrated at the Takoma Park Maryland Library with a visit from Tomas Shash, spokesperson and elder of the Atzlan Native American Cultural Arts Center in Gardner, Colorado. This year’s visit from Tomas and the Aztlan dance theatre group will take place in the Children’s Room on Monday, November 8 at 7 p.m.
Tomas, or “Eaglebear†as he is affectionately known by his Takoma Park fans, seeks through song, dance, and storytelling provide insight into the lives of Native American people today. The group expresses values of the Native American people and the community in which they live: respect for elders, giving a helping hand the friends and neighbors, helping mom and dad, listening to teachers, and taking care of Mother Earth. The members of the Atzlan center are descendants of the Mimbreno Apache and the Mexican Indian people.
In the past, Tomas has brought at least some of his family of nine children who are accomplished dancers and storytellers in their own right. These children are growing up fast, and Tomas is not sure which ones will be accompanying him this year!
The Friends of the Library have generously offered to pay for this special event. Please let us know you will be attending by calling 301-891-7259.
The creative, exhilarating, and rowdy interactive storytelling of Dungeons & Dragons is now a reliable feature of the Takoma Park scene for many kids (ages 8 and up) in the community under the tutelage of Library Assistant Dave Burbank. Using themes and images borrowed from world mythology and folklore, this storytelling game involves players in a cooperative and basically non-competitive activity of the imagination.
On Monday evening, November 1, we'll present a quick adventure for parents and educators (and other interested folks) to introduce them to the “Hows & Whats†of this fantasy storytelling game.
Parent and kid teams are welcome. Bring a friend. Preregistration will help Dave plot the basis for the adventure. Call 301-891-7259.
For Your Halloween Entertainment.
Candace Wolf, Takoma Park’s “good old storyteller,” is returning by tradition to the Library on Thursday evening, October 28, for an evening of entertaining Halloween stories.
Candace is quite familiar to Takoma Park audiences and has been tantalizing, mesmerizing, and sometimes really scaring her Halloween audiences for quite a few years.
Last year she took a kinder, gentler approach. This year will be a mix. Some of the stories will be of the gentler sort, but just when you thought it was safe to relax, WATCH OUT!
Please let us know you are attending by calling 301-891-7259. Recommended ages 6 through adult.
... And lots of construction for Bob the Builder fans.
In November please check your calendar before coming to the library.
We will be open Saturday, November 27th. However.
We will be closed on November 11th for Veterans Day (Known as Armistice Day from 1926 to 1954.)
see the
Veterans History Project;
Official Posters;
Today in History entry for 11/11;
Facts and figures about Veterans;
An explanation for why the attempt to make it yet another Monday holiday failed
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame, all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.
Wilfred Owen 1893–1918 Dulce Et Decorum Est
Of the 2.6 million veterans alive in 2000: about 6 million served in WWII; about 4 million served in Korea; more than 8 million served during the Viet Nam years; about 3 million during the 1990-2000 period which includes the Persian Gulf War.
We will also be closed Friday, November 19th because of Community Center construction.
And again we will be closed Thursday, November 25th and Friday, November 26th for Thanksgiving
See the:
Original Proclamation;
Reverend B.W. Arnett's Centennial Sermon from the Urbana Ohio St. Paul A.M.E. Church, November 30 1876.;
Epicurious' menu suggestions and Vegkitchen's Vegetarian Thanksgiving
How to cook a turkey;
Facts and figures;
Turkey, Texas pop. 507
Turkey Creek, Louisiana pop. 359
Turkey, North Carolina pop. 267
And have you read ... (all in J PIC)
The case of the gobbling squash ?
Gracias, the Thanksgiving turkey ?
Molly's pilgrim ?
The turkeys' side of it : Adam Joshua's Thanksgiving ?
Please check our catalog for many, many more.
The annual film Festival will be held this year at the historic Takoma Theatre at 6833 4th Street N.W. The dates are: November 7th, 11th, 13th and 14th. Please check the schedule of films.
Twenty films will be shown and range from four minute shorts to full length features. All film makers share some present or past connection to the Takoma Park community. They will be on hand to respond to questions from the audience after each screening.
Sponsors include the Takoma Park Maryland Library, Columbia Union College, and the Takoma Theatre Arts Project.