Monday, March 2
__ 1:45-2:45 p.m. – Piney Branch Elementary School 4th graders – presentation on biographies
__ After-School – “Read Across America†celebration
__ 7 p.m. – Bedtime Stories
Tuesday, March 3
__ 10 a.m. – Circle Time
__ 11 a.m. – Circle Time
Wednesday, March 4
__ 11 a.m. – Baby Time (pre-registration required)
__ 1:45 -2:45 p.m. – Piney Branch Elementary School 4th graders – presentation on biographies
Thursday, March 5
__ 11 a.m. – Spanish Circle Time
Calendar for the Week of Feb. 23, 2009
Monday, Feb. 23
__ 1:45 p.m. – Piney Branch Elementary School 4th graders -- presentation on biographies.
__ 7:30 p.m. – Banned Books Club
Tuesday, Feb. 24
__ 10 a.m. – Circle Time
__ 11 a.m. – Circle Time
Wednesday, Feb. 25
__ 11 a.m. – Twosies (Session is full)
__ 1:45 p.m. -- Piney Branch Elementary School 4th graders -- presentation on biographies.
Thursday, Feb. 26
__ 11 a.m. – Spanish Circle Time
Saturday, Feb. 28
__ 10: 30 a.m. -- French-English Circle Time
The comics jam and the valentine-making evenings are over, but we have special February programs still to come.
Our Black History Month Celebration on the 18th features books the have won the Coretta Scott King Award. Please register in advance.
Join the Play Day Circle Time on Saturday the 21st, no registration required.
Put on your caps and mittens, join your neighbors for the annual great backyard bird count. You don't need to go farther than your own yard. Just count for 15 minutes or more on at least one day of the count.
The count continues from February 13th through the 16th. Results should be submitted by March 1at. For those of you who used to send your count lists in, you can now do this all online.
2009 data form (pdf)
regional checklist
infomation for kids
results of previous tallies
We have lots of bird identification books in the library. Just go to 598 in both the adult and J sections.
Top 10 birds seen in 2008 count (with recordings of their sounds)
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology online bird identification guide
The Piney Branch indoor pool reopens to the public today. For the first month the schedule will be:
Sunday 8-8
Monday - Thursday 6:30-8:30 AM and 4-10 PM
Friday 6:30-8:30 AM only
Passes good for 12 swims cost, for Montgomery County residents, $25 for children under 18, $35 for adults 18-54 and $30 for adults 55 and older. No pass? The price per swim is $2.50/$3.50/$3.00 for those age groups.
Non-residents pay more.
The pool is located in the Piney Branch school. Use the Grant Avenue entrance which faces the Community Center.
February 12th is a special day - the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth.
With thousands of others across the nation, the Gettysburg Address, February 12 at 8:30 AM EST. (And explore the interactive mosaic.)
Our library has superb Lincoln books, including Team of rivals : the political genius of Abraham Lincoln, Manhunt : the twelve-day chase for Lincoln's killer, Lincoln : the biography of a writer, Lincoln; a picture story of his life and many, many others.
Special exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery (the same folks who brought you presidential trivia parts 1 2 3 and 4 on their blog)
Ford's Theater special celebrations all day on the 12 and the 16th.
Lincoln's 2nd inaugural dinner - Smithsonian recreation at the Willard, March 6th.
Special celebratory events all through February. Consult the Lincoln bicentenary calendar.
Lincoln's boyhood home at Knob Creek in Kentucky. (The setting is very beautiful in spring or summer.)
The Southern Indiana hills, where he lived from the age of seven until he was 21.
Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Illinois.
Journal of the American Lincoln Association
Medical history of the presidents Dr. Zebra is a pseudonym for Dr. John Sotos who has an interesting theory that Lincoln, and three of his sons, suffered from the genetic disorder multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2B, and that he would have been dead within the year if he had not been assassinated.
Explore a personal chronology or the searchable Lincoln Day-by-Day: A Chronology.
The Library of Congress collection of sheet music.
New Lincoln pennies and a special silver dollar.